Straight Talk About Automatic Transmission Repair
We know it's not any fun when something goes wrong with your automatic transmission.
Having repairs done can be a costly nerve-wracking experience.

There are steps you can take, however, to save money and reduce your anxieties.
We've prepared this website to tell you those steps and to answer some of the common
questions we are asked about automatic transmission service.

Link to "What Controls your Transmission"

Why can't you tell me what it's going to cost to fix my transmission without taking it apart first?

A consumer might easily miss a symptom. Unless the vehicle is brought in, so a trained technician can see, or hear, the difference between a rattle, buzz, grind, whine, or a slip.
We simply can't be sure of what's wrong with your transmission until we take a look inside.
Nobody can.

Symptoms like noises, leaks or vibrations can signal a wide range of possible problems, not necessarily a single malfunction. Many malfunctions occurring with transmissions may be caused by a component outside the transmission like a Throttle Position Sensor, a MAP sensor, or even a simple fuse.
We give your transmission a thorough diagnosis to absolutely know what's causing the symptom.

If anyone ever tells you he can accurately diagnose what's wrong with your transmission without a thorough diagnosis (which may include looking inside), you'd better get a second opinion.

Why does it cost so much to have my automatic transmission repaired?

Repairing an automatic transmission is not as simple as changing the spark plugs or adjusting the carburetor. Automatic transmissions of today particularly those with front wheel drive technology or computerized systems are very complicated units.

There are over three thousand parts in today's average automatic transmission.
The parts for some late model imports can cost ten times as much as parts for older, larger cars.

Diagnosing your cars transmission to determine what's wrong often calls for major surgery. In smaller cars manufacturer has tightly packed different mechanical systems on top of and around each other requires more time which will make the cost is even higher. With such complex units, preventive maintenance is the key to keeping repair costs down.

To help head off major problems, we recommend you have your transmission serviced at least every 12,000 miles.
Straight Talk About Automatic Transmission Repair
We know it's not any fun when something goes wrong with your automatic transmission.
Having repairs done can be a costly nerve-wracking experience.

There are steps you can take, however, to save money and reduce your anxieties.
We've prepared this website to tell you those steps and to answer some of the common
questions we are asked about automatic transmission service.

Link to "What Controls your Transmission"

Why can't you tell me what it's going to cost to fix my transmission without taking it apart first?

A consumer might easily miss a symptom. Unless the vehicle is brought in, so a trained technician can see, or hear, the difference between a rattle, buzz, grind, whine, or a slip.
We simply can't be sure of what's wrong with your transmission until we take a look inside.
Nobody can.

Symptoms like noises, leaks or vibrations can signal a wide range of possible problems, not necessarily a single malfunction. Many malfunctions occurring with transmissions may be caused by a component outside the transmission like a Throttle Position Sensor, a MAP sensor, or even a simple fuse.
We give your transmission a thorough diagnosis to absolutely know what's causing the symptom.

If anyone ever tells you he can accurately diagnose what's wrong with your transmission without a thorough diagnosis (which may include looking inside), you'd better get a second opinion.

Why does it cost so much to have my automatic transmission repaired?

Repairing an automatic transmission is not as simple as changing the spark plugs or adjusting the carburetor. Automatic transmissions of today particularly those with front wheel drive technology or computerized systems are very complicated units.

There are over three thousand parts in today's average automatic transmission.
The parts for some late model imports can cost ten times as much as parts for older, larger cars.

Diagnosing your cars transmission to determine what's wrong often calls for major surgery. In smaller cars manufacturer has tightly packed different mechanical systems on top of and around each other requires more time which will make the cost is even higher. With such complex units, preventive maintenance is the key to keeping repair costs down.

To help head off major problems, we recommend you have your transmission serviced at least every 12,000 miles.
Tacoma Transmission
Tacoma Transmission
Tacoma Transmission
Tacoma Transmission